Category: Leadership

How Positive Leadership Helps Grow an Organization

Positivity as a leadership skill is not easily learned, even through experience. If you can make it a daily practice for yourself and your team, you’ll see how it can grow your organization exponentially over time.What makes a positive leader? In short, positive leadership entails building a company or leading a project with a seamless flow of communication, openness to feedback, and clear direction. In...

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How Leaders Can Navigate Through the Great Resignation

The Great Resignation of 2021 continues into 2022. Furthermore, it shows little sign of stopping any time soon. While not every company is impacted directly by this phenomenon, a heightened awareness of its potential impacts is always advisable. After all, the slow process of the Great Resignation didn’t happen overnight, and it can take the unwary by surprise. That’s why now is the time for clear messaging...

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