Six Roles of the CEO

1. CEO as The Coach The entire Company is made up of a series of teams who are the players who actually sell, make, deliver, and service the product. Management coaches the teams; and the CEO coaches the coaches.How to be a Better Coach:Set Meaningful Goals. Develop initiatives to make the goals achievable and that drive revenue and productivity.Communicate & Build Trust. Use team...

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Using Your Left and Right Brain to Instantly Improve Onboarding

The world is made up of people who are left brain or right brain thinkers. The left-brainers are logical, analytical, and think in terms of process. Right brainers are creative and not necessarily linear thinkers.What does this have to do with effective Onboarding? A lot.LB (Left Brain) Corporation has a detailed orientation plan set in place for new hires. When they walk in the door on day one, they fill out...

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