The Power of Teamwork: Lions vs. Leopards

Lions are social animals that work together to achieve greater success, unlike leopards, which are generally solitary hunters. This difference in social structure and hunting strategy often leads to very different outcomes.

Story: The Lion Pride and the Leopard

Recently, I witnessed a remarkable encounter. A leopard was attempting to bring down a large warthog, but before it could succeed, a pair of mating lions intervened. The lions, working together, attacked the leopard and successfully stole the warthog. The power of teamwork allowed the lions to overcome a situation that a solitary leopard could not handle alone.

Leadership Lesson: Harness the power of teamwork. Leaders should encourage collaboration and leverage the collective strength of their team to achieve greater success than any individual could alone.

The Social Structure of Gorillas

Gorilla groups, or troops, are led by a dominant silverback who provides protection and guidance. The troop’s success depends on strong leadership, clear communication, and the support of all members.

Story: The Silverback’s Leadership

Observing a silverback gorilla lead his troop through the forest, He and the females of the group were protective of the mother gorilla and her one month baby. I noted his calm yet authoritative presence. This clear and consistent communication helped maintain order and ensure that all members of the troop were aligned and working together. He ensured the safety and cohesion of the group through clear communication and decisive actions.

Leadership Lesson: Lead with authority and empathy. Leaders should provide clear guidance and support to foster a cohesive and motivated team. Prioritize effective communication. Leaders should communicate clearly and consistently to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.


The behaviors of lions and gorillas offer profound insights into leadership and team dynamics. By defining roles and responsibilities, harnessing the power of teamwork, leading with authority and empathy, and prioritizing effective communication, leaders can navigate the complexities of the business world with greater effectiveness. If you’re ready to enhance your leadership skills and optimize the transferrable value of your business by learning from the natural world, let’s connect and explore how we can work together.

Georganne Goldblum,
CEO of Coach4Execs

About Georganne

Author section headshot of Georganne Goldblum - CEO of Coach 4 ExecsGeorganne Goldblum is a seasoned executive coach with over 20 years of experience, specializing in coaching senior executives to outperform their goals and competition. Drawing from her impressive background as a Fortune 500 executive, management consultant, entrepreneur, and private investor with over 25 years of management experience, Georganne brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her coaching. She helped 7 companies optimize their business exits in the last 5 years, netting over $1.1 billion. Over the last 9 years, assisted 13 companies in achieving exits totaling over $2 billion.

An MBA graduate from the renowned NYU Stern School of Business, her impact and influence in the industry are evident through the numerous accolades and awards she has received, including the prestigious Charles “Red” Scott Award. She has been recognized as one of the Most Influential Businesswomen in South Florida. Connect with her on LinkedIn.