“Building Business, Not Just Solving Problems”: The Art of Hiring Business Builders

In the dynamic landscape of today’s business environment, the role of a business unit manager or an employee extends beyond being a mere technician. While specialists excel at solving specific problems, the real growth catalysts for your organization are individuals who adopt a partner-centric approach. This paradigm shift, applicable across industries from law to marketing, accounting, construction, and beyond, is crucial for small and medium business owners, CEOs, and C-level executives aiming for sustained success.

The Pitfall of Hiring Technicians

One common risk when hiring specialists for key roles is their inherent focus on solving immediate problems. Technicians excel at delivering targeted solutions to clients, but often lack the broader perspective necessary for driving overall business growth. In the long run, businesses need more than just problem solvers; they need business builders.

The Business Builder Mindset

Business builders, in contrast to technicians, view their client’s business through a holistic lens. They don’t just provide solutions; they become strategic partners, evaluating the entirety of the client’s operations and recommending comprehensive services. This mindset is especially critical in service-oriented industries, where a more expansive approach can lead to enhanced client satisfaction, loyalty, and, ultimately, business expansion.

Key Qualities of Business Builders

  1. Strategic Vision: Business builders possess a forward-thinking mindset, understanding not only the immediate needs of clients but also anticipating future challenges and opportunities.
  2. Client Partnership: Instead of transactional relationships, business builders forge enduring partnerships with clients. This collaborative approach fosters trust and opens doors to long-term collaborations.
  3. Innovative Problem-Solving: While technicians excel at solving predefined problems, business builders go beyond, identifying potential issues before they arise and crafting innovative solutions.
  4. Continuous Learning: The business landscape evolves rapidly, and business builders stay ahead by embracing continuous learning. Their adaptability ensures your organization remains at the forefront of industry trends.

How to Identify Business Builders

  1. Interview for Partnership Mindset: During the hiring process, assess candidates’ ability to view client relationships as partnerships rather than transactions. Look for instances where they’ve gone above and beyond to provide comprehensive solutions.
  2. Scenario-based Assessments: Present candidates with real-world scenarios and evaluate their approach. Business builders will demonstrate a broader understanding, considering the ripple effects of their actions on the client’s overall business.
  3. Track Record of Growth: Examine a candidate’s past achievements. Business builders leave a trail of sustained growth, showcasing their ability to contribute to the overall success of the organizations they’ve been a part of.

In a world where specialization is prevalent, the value of business builders cannot be overstated. As a small or medium business owner, CEO, or C-level executive, the decision to hire individuals with a partner-centric mindset can be a transformative step towards not just solving problems but building a thriving, dynamic organization. At Coach4Execs, we understand the importance of cultivating a team of business builders, and our business coaching services are tailored to empower leaders in making strategic hiring decisions that drive lasting success.

If you want to grow the value of your business and have your team engaged and running the day to day business, I have several proven programs. Let’s talk.

Georganne Goldblum,
CEO of Coach4Execs

About Georganne

Author section headshot of Georganne Goldblum - CEO of Coach 4 ExecsGeorganne Goldblum is a seasoned executive coach with over 20 years of experience, specializing in coaching senior executives to outperform their goals and competition. Drawing from her impressive background as a Fortune 500 executive, management consultant, entrepreneur, and private investor with over 25 years of management experience, Georganne brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her coaching.

An MBA graduate from the renowned NYU Stern School of Business, her impact and influence in the industry are evident through the numerous accolades and awards she has received, including the prestigious Charles “Red” Scott Award. As a testament to her commitment to excellence, Georganne has earned the esteemed #1 VISTAGE Florida Chair Award for an impressive 13 consecutive years and has been recognized as one of the Most Influential Businesswomen in South Florida. Connect with her on LinkedIn.