What is Executive Coaching?

You may already know that coaching for executives is at the core of what we do, but what is executive coaching, exactly? In the simplest terms, it’s a proven method of helping executives reach their potential. However, the simplest answer isn’t always the best. Read on to find out what executive coaching is all about.

Who Needs Executive Coaching?

Speaker at executive coaching session

No matter how successful the business or individual executive, bad habits can hold you back. It’s important to be honest with yourself about your weaknesses. Undoubtedly we all have them. By identifying those weak points and learning new strategies, we can improve our performance and achieve our best results. That’s why every team and executive benefits from professional executive coaching.

With each milestone given, less guidance is a need, and more trust is built. When you trust that you’re being heard and what you’re saying is being considered, employees have no problem bringing concerns or issues to the leader for guidance. This level of communication reinforced by positive leadership extends even to clients or customers. Clients will respect and respond well when you, as a company or brand, can take ownership of something they should be aware of before bringing it up.

People will feel valued, heard, and respected on both ends, significantly increasing retention and engagement. The long-lasting impact of positive leadership permeates a company’s culture, growth, and reputation.


Two Key Paths of Executive Coaching

One way to improve your business’s performance is through leadership team development. The purpose of leadership team development is to coach executives in a group environment where shared success is critical. It focuses on strong communication between team members, increasing collaboration, and improving accountability. 

Because leadership team development coaches executives as a group, it’s a great investment for any company to make. Returns are easy to measure as your leaders learn to work together as a high-performance team. Leadership team development makes this possible by teaching executives how to enhance their communication and collaboration skills. 

By contrast, our Executive 1-1 Coaching program focuses on the individual. Whether you’re new to a senior position, facing new challenges, or simply want to improve your personal performance, 1-1 executive coaching focuses entirely on you. The key to this method is personalization. Executive 1-1 coaching starts by identifying where you are and where you want to be. Then we develop a strategic plan to make that transition happen.

Individual coaching is a process. It starts with identifying goals and creating actionable tasks to work on. The client then executes those tasks until the next session, when we determine their effectiveness. We then either tweak the current strategy or move on to the next goal. This ongoing, highly-individualized approach makes it an excellent investment in personal growth.

Is Executive Coaching Right for You?

Executive coaching dinnerAs we mentioned above, executive coaching helps to reach potential, regardless of current success. In other words, you’ll see real results from executive coaching even if you don’t think you need it! Furthermore, studies have shown that executive coaching is valuable and effective.

Whether you’re a business owner looking to strengthen your team, or an individual ready to achieve the next level, executive coaching has something to offer. There are always areas where we can improve, and quality coaching is a powerful tool at your disposal. It’s a solid investment that gets real results.

Final Thoughts

Executive coaching is a proven way to reach goals and improve performance. Leadership team development strengthens collaboration and communication between team members. Executive 1-1 coaching identifies individual goals and areas for improvement, and provides methods of achieving them. 

If you’re ready to take the next step, let’s talk. Together we’ll determine which service you need, and get you started on the path to improvement. With two decades of experience, you can trust Coach4Execs to help you reach your real potential.

Georganne Goldblum,
CEO of Coach4Execs